Introduction to OOPs
- OOP concepts
- Procedural Vs OOP Programming
- C++ Character set and Tokens
- Data types and Variables
- Operators of C++
- Flow of controls with statements
Introduction to Array
- Need for Arrays
- One and Two Dimensional Arrays
- Basic operations of Arrays
Introduction to Functions
- Functions with arguments
- Call by Value & Call by Ref methods
- Functions and Arrays
- Need for structures
- Structures and Arrays
- Passing Structures to functions
- User defined data types
- Dynamic & Static memory allocation
- Declaration and Initialization
- Pointers and arrays
- Pointers and Functions in C++
- Pointers and Structures
- Pointers and Objects in C++
Introduction to Classes
- Data abstraction and encapsulation
- Functions & scope resolution operator
Constructer & Destructors
- Need for constructors
- Default, Parameterized Constructors
- Constructor overloading
- Need for Destructors
- Different forms of Inheritance
- Derived and Base Classes
- Single, Multiple & Multi level inheritance
- Virtual base classes
Data File Handling
- Fstream.h Header file
- Methods of File manipulation
- Sequential I/O with files
- Detecting EOF & File pointers
- Basic operations of binary files
Linked Lists,Stacks & Queue
- Need for linked lists
- Dynamic Vs Static memory allocation
- Basic operations of Linked lists
- Introduction to Stack & Queues
- Stack and Queue as array
- Application of Stack and Queues
- Linked Queues in C++ Programming